Furnished or unfurnished apartment?

by Alex
18. September 2015
Category:   Uncategorized

The most common and easiest solution in Shanghai is to rent furnished flats. But the term “furnished” can mean a lot of different things. In some cases are only the absolutely most necessary stuff included when an apartment is described as “furnished” – a sofa, bed, table and four chairs.

But if you are lucky, you will find stuff such as armchairs, curtains, microwave etc. in the apartment.

Great apartments are available in central Shanghai.

Great apartments are available in central Shanghai.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are advantages and disadvantages to both alternatives, depending on how long you should stay

Furnished apartments often contain what you need.

Furnished apartments often contain what you need.

in the apartment and what your needs are. I have personally always rented furnished apartments because I don’t want to take the long trip out to IKEA to buy some cheap furniture. Its simply just easier to accept the one present in the apartment already.

An apartment do not include “supplies“, ie sheets, towels, glasses, plates, pans and other kitchen accessories. This can be bought in all the major supermarkets such as Wal-Mart and Carrefour. Those who are able to get to IKEA – it is much cheaper than IKEA in Europe and allows to buy everything at one place.

Take care of the furniture

It is assumed that the apartment is left in the same condition you received it in, so I would really advice you to take pictures around the apartment before you move all your stuff! This way you can prove any stains, blemishes and utility damage was there when you moved in.

A good tip is never to get in any annimosity with the landlord. He or she has all the power when your deposit is supposed to be paid back.