Blog: our new apartment in Shanghai

by Alex
13. August 2015
Category:   Uncategorized
A picture of our balcony in Shanghai.

A picture of our balcony in Shanghai.

This is a blog post from a Danish expat currently living in Shanghai.

Now it finally happened – we got the keys to our new apartment. This is the place we are going to live the next three years.

Our compound is called “Skyline Mansion” and is extremly popular among foreigners. I talked to three people in the elevator and they all claimed that there were almost more expats than local Chinese people living in the area. We have a three-bedroom apartment with kitchen, living room and a beautiful walk-in-closet.

We can not complain.

The area is called Pudong (the locals often refer to it as “on the other side of the river”) and its really close to my job. In addition to that, there are a lot of great shops and restaurants nearby. I really think that this is an area that would fit me and my roommates (working in the same company in Shanghai) really good.

If you are an expat coming to Shanghai and read this: I would find a real estate agent that does not

HomeofShanghai Housing - a good alternative in the Shanghai real estate market.

HomeofShanghai Housing – a good alternative in the Shanghai real estate market.

only speak fluently English (not all of them do), but local knowledge is also a big part of what some of them can and cannot offer.

We tried four different real estate companies before we ended up by using HomeofShanghai housing – a highly professional and good real estate company located in downtown Shanghai (Changle road).